SHE DID IT!!!! CONGRATULATIONS LISA!!!!! You crossed the finish line!! YAHOOOOOOOO!!!!
Lisa has finished her last radiation treatment, crossed the last of 3 big hurdles and made her way to the finish line! It’s been a long run with highs and lows along the way but you did it!!
Thanks to everyone on Lisa’s support team for all of the encouragement, it’s meant so much to her family to be able to share in your support of Lisa. Take some time today and have a little celebration. I know I will.
Love you lots, Lisa. HUG HUG HUG Kelly
Congratulations Happy New Year! Congratulations on completing radiation. What a fine job you have done marching along through this bad dream. Thank you for the inspiring writing. With love, B. and M.
Congratulations Way to go, Lisa! 2008 is going to be a great new year for you! Happy, Happy New Year! B.
Have a cup of joy Congrats on finishing up the radiation and the hurdles of the last nine months. Take a few minutes to sit and savor a cup of joy for this accomplishment. I am hoping 2008 is much calmer and peaceful for you. S.
Happy New Year You were on my mind throughout the holiday break, and I'm so happy for you that radiation is over. You are an inspiration to us all, and I'm praying that 2008 will be a healing and happy year for you, Nat and Ethan. Sending love,
V. L.
You go Girl! I think of you often and pray for you regularly. Happy new year to you and yours because 2008 is going to be incredible for you. You have fought the battles and won the war. Although my mother only met you once, she asks about you frequently and also lifts you up in prayer. Isn't it nice to know so many people care about you? As a wise woman (PH) always says, "Know you are loved." C.
Well Done! Mazel Tov! Glad to hear it's over. Just in time for a new and better year. Congrats, JR
Good job Congratulations: So happy it is over. Wishing you a happy, healthy 2008. Had a great time at your folks Christmas day. Take care. Love, A. J.
Hooray! Hooray, Lisa! Congratulations! Happy New Year!
Thought about you today The holidays have thrown off my days. Everyday I would wake up and ask myself, "Now which day is the 3rd?" I was so excited when I could wake up today and know that it was the 3rd. The good doctor thinks that you and Nat should get away again to recoup from all of the medical procedures!!!! a million hugs for my sunburned friend!!!! M.
Great News !! Way to go Lisa ! A perfect start for the New Year. S. and T. D.
We loved the photos Hi Lisa, We enjoyed the photographs of your running and in fact the wonderful family support running with you, too. We think that all of Prue's & Ami's exercises paid off. We know that you are doing well and hope that you are quickly completely back to yourself. Thanks for sharing the photos. Warmly, B. & M. L.
SCARF FREE! I loved seeing you in your office withOUT your headwear! Your hair looks great. I'm so glad to see you getting back to looking like you and feeling like you!