Lisa is HOME!!! We are so excited to let you know that Lisa was able to come home from the hospital today; she arrived a little before 2:00 p.m. Lisa was thrilled to wash her hair and clean up. She definitely looks more like herself. She has been up and about – even walked down the street a little. Her pain has been quite manageable all day today. The cats were thrilled to see her, and Frankenstein (a.k.a. Frankincense) and Mervin (a.k.a. Myrrh) both promptly made themselves at home next to her in bed. Lisa (and the rest of us) have so enjoyed reading all of your messages. It’s helped all of us to cope a little easier. We’ll probably post again in a day or two.
Hugs and prayers Lisa, it’s great to hear that you are doing so well. It doesn’t surprise me that you are overcoming every obstacle that you encounter with a smile! Hang in there and take good care of yourself! You are in my thoughts and prayers. S. C.
Friends–Here if you need us… Dear Lisa, Nat, and Family: We are truly honored to be able to have a prayer on your behalf. I know we don’t know you personally Lisa, but you bring new meaning to the words “in all things give thanks.” Your faith in God is revealed in your positive attitude/words and fantastic smile and it is a real blessing and inspiration to us. My mother is 3 years past having a similar experience and we wanted you to know that we are here for you if you should need us. Please know that you are continually in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers, R., G. and S. (‘mom’)
I’m so glad! Oh, Lisa, I’m so glad you are home!!!!! It was a TAKS-ing day today! I almost thought about pulling the big guns out and telling S. and S., “I’m sorry, my friend has cancer and I can’t do the TAKS roster today!!!!” I’m already trying to figure out my first drop by visit! HMMMM…maybe I could do one next Tuesday or Wednesday! There’s nothing special going on those days…so why not! I hope the rest of the week is a great time of healing and getting your energy back! A million hugs! M.
Glad to hear you’re home Lisa Hi Lisa- It’s K., T.’s daughter from GRABAWR. I have been getting updates from my parents, and they let me know about this page. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. If you can handle the GRABAWR with such grace and positive attitude as you did, you can handle pretty much anything. I’ll be cheering for you from California. Best, K.
You’re on My Mind Lisa, I wake up thinking about you, I drive to school thinking about you, and the last thing I do at night is lift you up in prayer. I know God will wrap you in His loving arms and help you through this difficult time. I have seen His healing powers before and know what He can do. It is wonderful that you have Nat. What a guy. Hang on to him. God brought him into your life to help you through all the things that you go through. I’m so glad because I am sure he is taking the very best care of you. I’m glad you have your family here as well. I know they are jumping through hoops to do anything they can to help you. We are all doing our best to hold the fort down at Goodson, but you’re missed terribly. It will be a joyful day when you’re back in your office…with the lights on dim, always ready for any of us who “need a minute” from you. You’re the best. Read, sleep, watch TV, rest lots, and recover soon. Love you, C. W.
Cousin says hi What the heck? You sure went through a lot of trouble to get your own website! I’m not sure but I’m thinking for just a few extra bucks each month your cable provider could have set you up with your own blog Seriously though, I’m real sorry that you and your family are going through this. I’m glad that you are home now, that’s always where I want to be. Mom emailed me your Carepages link so I’ll be up to speed with what’s going on and will know better how to pray. If there is one thing I can do is pray, and I’ll be lifting you and your family up for a while. You have a ton of friends. That’s amazing. I’ve read some of their messages to you, and I’m impressed. I figure they either love you dearly or you owe them lots of money. I’m pretty sure it’s the first reason:) I could only hope to have as many friends and family come alongside me if I was ever to go through something as tough. Without sounding too preachy it reminded me of the story in the Old Testament where Moses himself got some help from his friends and family. It’s found in Leviticus 17:8-13. Briefly, it describes a battle that the Israelites fought against the Amalekites. Moses held the rod of God over his head on a hill overlooking the battle. As long as he did this, the Israelites prevailed, but whenever he let his hands down, the tide of the battle would turn in favor of Amalek. The bible says that his hands became heavy, but Aaron and Hur came alongside Moses and braced up his hands, one on each side until the sun went down. And Israel defeated Amalek. Just like you will defeat this cancer. God bless you, Lisa. I’ll be waiting and praying for the good news. Your Cousin, E.
Home at last Dear Lisa, Ami and I are so glad that you are home. Your mom says it’s been cool outside, which she and I agree is highly preferable to the “other” Houston weather. I hope it stays cool so you and they can be outside a bit in your beautiful new garden… Glad you’re so much better. Lots of love to you, Prue and Ami
Good morning, Sunshine. I am so glad that you are home with the shower, the kitties, the smell of home. You will be well on the mend now. Can’t keep a “stepper” down. (East Texas expression meaning a good dancer.) R. sends his love. He says that I didn’t tell him how hard it was to open a school. I told him that I didn’t tell everything I know. We are interviewing social studies, science, and Spanish. No real “takers” right now. We were picked to do Read 180. We can have 30 kids. I had hoped for 60, but 30 is a good start. That means two 90-minute periods. Great for ESL kids. The training is in San Francisco. Not a bad trip, huh? We are doing fine here. Of course, not as well as when you are here. I have started summatives. I would rather be out with the kids. Next week we will hit the big time with TAKS. All the hard work will pay off. Read a good book, watch the History channel, and love your family. Know you are loved. P.H.
Hi Lisa Lisa — I have been thinking about you and following your progress from Prue. I am so computer illiterate but I have finally managed to get on your Carepages –I have been trying for two days!! I am so glad to hear that you are home and happy with your cats, and you’re clean!! Keep feeling well, and I will keep sending positive vibes your way. love E.
Great news We’re so glad to read that you’re back home and feeling better. You’ve had quite an assault on your body, and it packs a wallop, for sure. It’s wonderful that the first hump is behind you. All our best wishes for continued success. J. and C.
Hi from North Carolina Hi Lisa, I am so sorry it has taken me this long to write, I finally had a chance to get on the computer and check out your Carepages. What a wonderful way to keep in touch. I am very glad that you are home and doing better, there isn’t anything as comforting as your own bed and loved ones by your side. I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery for you. I know we are states apart but if there is anything I can do for you, I will. Take Care, my little one just woke up, so I have to cut this short, I will write later and check in on how you are doing. Love, L.
Hi Lisa Lisa, I just want you to know that I’m thinking about you and so admire you for your wonderful attitude. Continue to stay strong. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. C.
Wow, what a great support group you have! You’re really blessed. I’m so glad to hear the good news about your progress. I can tell your sister, Kelly, is a winner! I’m glad she’s with you and able to help Nat and your parents take care of you. I pray for you daily, every morning, and then get to school and go a little crazy with everything, but I’m still thinking of you. We miss you so much around here. I hope every day is better than the last. Keep us posted. I like reading about your progress and knowing that you’re well cared for, and oh so loved. Take care. Love, C.